Wednesday, 29 September 2010

TGD (The Great Day) has passed

TGD was the greatest day. Graeme and I are now Mr & Mrs. If the rest of our lives have highs like last Friday then we will be blessed.  Thank you to the Yorkshire Dales and its incomparable beauty, thanks to The Devonshire Fell and wonderful staff and above all thanks to all our friends and family who shared the day with us and made it so special. Now we're heading off on honeymoon in the Kruger Park SA before returning to the reality of our life in Italy.

Enquiries and bookings are coming in thick and fast for the winter season so Sempre Ski looks set for a successful first Italian season.  We've just the final push of the Ski Show in October before heading out to put the finishing touches to Chalet Bianca and then the season can start....bring it on!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Hello, Brave New World!

What a year!

Graduation, travels in SE Asia, engagement 1 (us :-) ), ski chalet hosts in Selva, wedding plans,buying hotel business in Bardonecchia- Italy ( is born!), more wedding plans, Italian bureaucracy, new baby in family (Greetings, Ellie!), wedding plans continued,  Italian Business exams, more Italian bureaucracy, wedding cont., Italian summer B&B season, engagement 2 (sister & squeeze :-O), back to UK for  "Wedding Plans-the final chapter" and "Even More Italian Bureaucracy"!! Phew...we need a break! And with only 1 week to go before THE GREAT DAY (TGD) it finally looks like we'll be getting one soon in the guise of our honeymoon in the Kruger Park S.A.

All this apart, it has to be said that Graeme is most excited about tickets for Anfield and the stadium tour the weekend following TGD, but I suppose after the stress of the last year coupled with the burden of being named after the mighty Souness  it is not unsurprising if he is a little less than rational atm!

So we're now busy ticking off the checklist of chores to be completed before TGD....
Wedding danceü
Bottle Limoncelloü
Steam Press dressü
Write first Blogü
Write Speech X
Decorate cake X

...and so this blog marks the start of our new life together .Roll on the winter season. have a lot to live up to.  
Kate and Graeme